Claim it Beautiful...

Success Begins with ME Knowing, It's OK to Tell My Story

as we Face the Fear Together so I Can Make the Impossible Possible!

Ready to Manifest Some Good Juju?

Sprinkle Your Biz with Some Good Juju

September 26, 202311 min read

Juju Rafii-Ebdrup, Mindset Coach and Manifesting Queen!

Juju Rafii-Ebdrup She Made it Possible

💜Welcome to Empowered Boss Babes💜

What can I say about my amazingly blessed sista, Juju Rafii except #loveyachica. When we first met, I knew instantaneously we were long lost sistas and from that day forward we became super close and we continued to work together over coffee and the occasional tasty adult beverage to look for fresh new ways to empower women in our community...all while holding each other accountable.

So when it came to announcing who'd be the first LIVE guest speaker to help me launch my speaker platform, "She Made it Possible" Juju was a no brainer because of her efforts as a Female Entrepreneur and as the Founder & CEO of the Empowered Boss Babes, an organization that serves as the local source for empowering female entrepreneurs, business owners and professional women in communities across the US. Personal and professional growth is achieved through monthly training and networking events.

Juju is also a 2-time published author, mom, loves to travel and still finds time to make sure this community is a safe & inclusive space for supporting female entrepreneurs, small biz owners, and professional women seeking personal development + business growth.

✨ WHAT IS A BOSS BABE: Juju says its a professional woman, or lady entrepreneur, who runs her own business, wants to start a biz, or maybe she is simply a bada$$ at whatever she does. Either way, as a center of influence, she knows what she wants and goes for it. Does that sound like you? Then you're in the right place!!

Empowered Boss Babes

Oh and did I forget to mention we co-founded the Biz Bestie Brunch™ Members Club for Female Entrepreneurs who are open to learning and implementing a signature 90 Min Success Goal Plan EXCLUSIVELY created and taught by Juju and I. We provide content focused on Mindset, Connection, Business Essentials and Client Attraction. This membership was created to help women get serious about achieving business success, simplifying their monthly goals and creating successful habits for business and life. You can learn more about it below. But, let's get back to Juju and her community....

Biz Bestie Brunch Welcome

I know when you read this article, you're going to fall in love immediately with Juju's spirit and zest for life just as I did when we first met. This is why I'm giving you another opportunity to meet with her LIVE during an upcoming Guest Speak because trust me ladies-she's got way more goodness to share:

When: October 2nd, 2020/10AM CST

Where: Impossible to Possible Women FREE Facebook Group

Topic: Coming soon (in her last video, Juju chatted about the information below)

How To Use Lunar Cycle Themes To Reinforce Your Biz

Juju shared How To Use Lunar Cycle Themes To Reinforce Your Biz. Juju says using lunar cycles as a tool for intention-setting and reflection can be a beneficial practice for female entrepreneurs, just as it can be for anyone seeking to align their goals with natural rhythms. In this Facebook Live, Juju talked about multiple ways female entrepreneurs can harness lunar cycles to reinforce their businesses. Combining this practice with effective planning, hard work, and adaptability will maximize its potential benefits for female entrepreneurs.

Speaker Special Offer: Only available inside our community. Private coaching at $1080 (Reg $1200) More details provided during the guest speak. 

I Know it All Sounds Unbelievably Awesome

But for now, enjoy learning a little bit more about this speaker, the upcoming guest speak, their business and why she's one of the few women I'm proud to call my super close girlfriend and biz bestie.

Juju is a Mindset Coach and Personal Development Speaker, who is on a mission! As a coach, she works with 35-45 y/o women who feel "stuck" to define and align with their purpose. As a speaker, she motivates and inspires women to live a high-vibe lifestyle, so they can live their lives to the fullest.  

As an intuitive and empath, Juju is able to connect deeply with her clients and empower them to align with their true passions so they can attract a life they love!! Since 2017, she's worked with 35-45 y/o women who feel "stuck" to define and align with their purpose. When she's not coaching or team-building, she's influencing women inside her international online community, or speaking to motivate and inspire.

"My passion - helping other women get gain clarity on their life & careers. Once I realized that's what I wanted to do professionally, I hired a biz coach and started a group for like-minded women. Thus, my biz and women's empowerment group were born!"-Juju Rafii-Ebdrup

Juju Rafii-Ebdrup TV Interview

Where did the idea for your business come from?

After leaving a 20-year military career, I decided to become an entrepreneur and start my own business. I knew that one of the keys to success was to surround myself with other women who were also interested in being successful and supporting one another.

Thus, Empowered Boss Babes was born - an organization that supports local female entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals through personal and professional development. The idea for my business came from my passion to help others excel and up-level their lives. I decided to take what I was truly passionate about, what lights me up, and monetize it in order to increase my impact and my income. My business allows me to serve others through coaching in one-on-one and group settings, as well as inspire and motivate through writing, speaking and leading.

What does your typical day look like and how do you make it productive?

My typical day starts with gratitude before I even get out of bed. The first hour of my day, after breakfast, is spent on personal development and motivation (i.e. podcasts, video, reading, etc.) Feeling inspired, I make the rest of my day productive by making a list of all I need to do, then prioritizing that list. I highlight the top 3 important tasks and tackle those first. I like to get to work as soon as possible to feel super productive. In my day, I also include exercise and time with family and/or friends. I believe balance is the key to a productive and successful day!

How do you come up with your business concepts (ideas, offers)?

I brainstorm on ways my ideas or offers can best serve others. I look at what my ideal clients need and want. Then, I base my business concepts around that. I discover this through speaking directly with my clients, having valuable conversations with potential clients, and bouncing ideas off of those I have beneficial relationships with (other coaches, influencers, mentors).

Creativity is the most fun and authentic way that I come up with my business concepts. I use what I have learned, combined with trends, to design programs and offers my target audience will love. This creates a win-win for my clients and I because they get what they need, while I get to make a positive & effective impact. My business thrives on the success of others, as they utilize my coaching concepts and guidance.

What's one business trend that really excites you?

The fact that everyone needs support at every level! No matter if you are just starting, transitioning into another career, or looking to start a side hustle in addition to your other source(s) of income - rising up in your area/field is always trending. I am excited to serve as a mentor and coach to the women entering the business world - a rising trend!

What's your secret ME Time routine (gratitude practice) that makes you more productive?

Yoga and meditation. Feeling centered and grounded makes me more productive.

What advice would you give your younger entrepreneur self?

Life happens, let nothing slow you down or get in your way. Utilize resources and be willing to accept help when it's offered - you can't do it all by yourself!

What's your #1 biz fear that you deal with and how do you kickass past it?

My #1 biz fear is not knowing how to best get all the information out of my head and out to the people that need it! I have so much to share and there are so many platforms, so it can be intimidating on which is the most effective route.

I kickass past it by collaborating with other coaches, spears and influencers, following trends, and connecting with my own mentor or coach from time to time.

Juju Rafii-Ebdrup


What spiritual source do you use as foundation to support your entrepreneurial journey?

Source, Divine Spirit, the Universe, and all it's abundance is the absolute foundation of my entrepreneurial journey!! I am also a Law of Attraction thought leader and a pro at manifesting.

What is one strategy that has helped you to scale your business? 

Scaling my biz is something I am constantly working on, especially with shifting trends. Planning is one strategy that has helped scale my business. Failing to plan is planning to fail, right? So planning ahead and setting goals for the year, for example, enables and supports growth in my business. Delivering value, and connecting with influencers are two other strategies I use.

What's one valuable business tip/advice from "your" business that will help our readers.

You are your business. You are essentially selling yourself. Therefore, your actions and behavior attract everything to your business - good and bad. It's not about being the best or the highest paid, it's about making a real impact and giving value every single day. My biz tip/advice: the key to be truly successful is to do what your heart feels called to do, and do it for the right reasons. If you are doing that, you cannot fail.

What did you purchase (product, program or service) recently to support your business?

Hired a business coach! I have worked off and on with different coaches.

Share at least one thing you've learned from being inside the Impossible to Possible Women Members Club and how has this helped your business

Community is where it's at! Surrounding yourself with like-minded women who are supportive helps us individually and in our businesses, through collaboration and shared value.

What's your go to system that you use to help your business grow?

Working on improving my systems but in the past I have ensured all the parts of my business are working towards the same outcome and goal. Synchronicity throughout my business is a system that promotes flow.

What's your favorite book and why?

TOO MANY!! I love all personal development books!! An old but goodie is As A Man Thinketh by James Allen. There are so many deep motivational quotes and thoughts in there that I have used for years.

What is your favorite quote and why?

"There's nothing you cant do." - Alicia Keys Because it's true. It motivates me in all areas of my life: business and personal.

Discover More About This Guest Speaker and Their Awesome Community:




Gwendolen Wilder is a highly sought-after business coach who specializes in helping struggling and overwhelmed female entrepreneurs tell their biz fears to KICK ROCKS!

Best-selling Co-author, featured on international, national and local platforms, Go-To-Certified-Media Expert in Business Coaching and Domestic Violence for Lynn Smith, National Media Expert, Veteran Journalist, NBC News, MSNBC and CNN Headline News Anchor Alum, and Founder of Rylan Media. As well as being featured by the Female Entrepreneur Association founded by Carrie Green, Fox 29, News 4, KSAT 12, San Antonio Living, Women of Influence, etc. she mentors her community of 35,000+ female entrepreneurs and followers teaching them exactly how to turn a biz fear into a positive profitable business opportunity.

Before You Go,

Tap Into the Top 10 Strategies Used By Successful Female Entrepreneurs

Uncover 3 Secrets Female Entrepreneurs Master to Get People to Know, Like, Trust and Buy!

Find and Attract Customers

Next Steps to Achieve Wilder Success:

Below is a quick list of Gwendolen's top recommendations to empower your girls trip to success to go from Dream Chaser to Achiever faster. Also, make sure to hop inside her FREE Facebook community so you can share your biz fears, discuss your goals and receive Gwendolen's #1 strategy which will help you move past your obstacle and achieve your success faster.

And remember you can make the impossible Possible!

Business Coach

Accomplish Your Goals Faster with Us Sis🤩

When you hang out with confident, successful, powerhouse women, like Gwendolen and her Biz Bestie Juju inside our Biz Bestie Brunch... the Wonder Woman superpowers rub off on you too sis!

Hang with us beautiful and get biz success too.

Biz Bestie Brunch
GoalsPlanGoal PlanningSetting GoalsPlanningSuccessGoalBiz BestieAccountabilityNetworkingConnectionMindsetYogaPersonal Development
blog author image

Gwendolen Wilder

Gwendolen is a Certified Business Strategist and Published Author who empowers struggling and overwhelmed female entrepreneurs using her signature branding, marketing and sales strategies so they can confidently tell their biz fears (obstacles) to KICK ROCKS and acquire financially independence which leads to finally Living Your Best Blessed Life.

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Success Strategies cover Branding, Marketing, Sales and Media


Wilder Success is Still Possible!

Calling all Overwhelmed but, determined to Succeed Female Entrepreneurs

This is for every female entrepreneur that felt like giving up! Don't Let Biz Fear Hold Back Your Wilder Success sis! Learn how to get past your biz fear of feeling overwhelmed but, determined as a female entrepreneur so you can consistently attract ideal clients, identify your target audience, develop effective marketing strategy, and find fabulous followers to convert into paying customers. Here are 3 Strategies to help you crush it: #1 Understand your biz fears aka biz obstacles so you can embrace them as opportunities for growth, #2 Clarify your Ideal Client Avatar so you can be 100% certain who you serve and #3 Strategize a solid-proven biz plan you feel absolutely in love with so you can turn your biz fear into a positive profitable biz opportunity


Top 10 Questions Female Entrepreneurs Ask Me

Perfect for you if want to know the #1 Strategy to Overcome Biz Fears So You Can Have A Successful And Profitable Female Entrepreneur Business

HEY SIS, Ready to build and scale a successful woman owned business around what your skilled at, love doing and enjoy sharing! Ready to reclaim your confidence sis and find fabulous followers excited to buy your offers?

You’ll learn the Top 10 Questions female entrepreneurs are asking and the exact strategies that successful female entrepreneurs like Gwendolen used to dramatically (and consistently) grow her business to receive wins such as awarded a $5M Joint Venture Contract, Best-selling CoAuthor, $1200/Hr Guest Speaks, $15K Customers and more!

Have an Idea for a Biz But, Not Sure Where to Start? New to Being a Woman Owned Biz? Stuck Scaling Your Biz to the Next Level? Ready to Achieve Wilder Success? Let's Face the Fear Together with This Guide Sis and Get to Ready to Learn How...

😃 Business women on a budget hire support teams

🤩 Successful female entrepreneurs get organized, simply tasks and find time to work on their biz

😁Proven ways to feel more confident talking about your biz so you can attract more people and make more sales

😀 How confidently determine which biz idea to start with first so you don't waste or money

😀 Uber easy steps to stop feeling afraid of failure, success and haters so you can stay focused

© Copyright 2023 Gwendolen Wilder