If you’re stuck in the daily grind working 9 to 5, stressed out starting your biz, feeling drained growing, alone, confused, overwhelmed, desperately want to get past your biz fears, turn your ideas into a profitable biz you love and are struggling to find peace while fulfilling your purpose…keep reading sista!

Here's How We Help You Face Your Biz Fears

I believe in meeting you at the stage of business you are in right now...

By helping you choose the best experience according to your current wants, needs and budget...

This is how you achieve success faster sis!

Pay Attention to this Part; It's About You and Your Business Investment

If you're not sure which coaching to participate in, and you are SERIOUS about starting coaching, I can meet with you inside a FREE 45 Min Wilder Success Strategy session (use the link button below). During that session, you can chat with me about your biz fears, goals and I share how I help private coaching clients every week overcome similar struggles and achieve their goals faster. If I feel confident I can really help you move the needle forward in your business; I might invite you to work with me either inside our group or private coaching client starting at $297.

If you don't feel you are ready to invest into your business success with your time or financial commitment, I recommend for you to NOT book a call at this time and instead

stay connected inside our private free Facebook Group.


I Bet You're Wondering What Happens Inside Right?

Our Impossible to Possible Women community is an online sistahood with the mission of empowering female entrepreneurs (just like you beautiful) globally to turn your awesome ideas and dreams into a profitable biz you love using my signature biz principles based on a strong spiritual foundation, solid-proven biz strategies and a supportive sistahood b-we cover everything from spiritual, branding, marketing, sales, media and beyond so you can confidently start, scale and audit your businesses to FINALLY live your best blessed life full of peace, confidence, and abundance.

Let's ponder this for a second- Life would be so much more fun with wilder success wouldn't it?! But, life has a way of tossing in some seemingly impossible obstacles (aka biz fears) to help remind us hoVideow awesoVideome we are.

LET ME ASK YOU...Have You Ever Wanted to ...Work When You Want, Where You Want and With Whomever You Want–ASAP? In here, you can learn how to work on your own terms and not have to answer to anybody (but yourself).

LET ME SHOW YOU HOW SIS…Here’s what I know about you:

  • You work a 9-5 traditional workplace job or as an awesome stay at home mom (and we know that's more than 9 to 5), but you’re ready for more, am I kinda on the right track...

  • Sure, everybody admires how you juggle it all, from the job to the kids to the cats who consider tearing up the patio furniture for a sport (oops, that was my inside voice lol.)

  • Yes, everybody thinks you’re a hard worker and calls you “so dependable.”

  • And sure, you have a sense of security & you can’t complain about the direct deposit that hits your bank account like clockwork every week.

Buuuttt the real truth?

  • You know you have so much more to offer.

  • You’re unsatisfied, exhausted and unhappy.

  • And to be honest, you’re already working a 9-2-5; you're terrified your talents are being wasted away and the world might never see them if you don’t break away soon.

Let’s be for real now for a hot sec sis: It’s not just the job that’s a problem.


You don’t have a life outside your job or home either. You have no time for your family or friends. And when was the last time you had time for yourself?

But, there is a glimmer of hope…

  • Because you know there’s something shifting in the way people work.

  • You know there are people out there taking advantage of the digital age we live in and using it to revamp their lifestyles.

  • You’ve noticed people making money doing what they luv, online, on their own terms, and on their own timeline.

Even better? They truly look like they have it all. They’re professional, successful and happy looking folks who are making money and still have time to enjoy their lives!

You know in your heart you could totally do what they do. (You’ve always had a knack for creating, helping and educating others, too!) And you find yourself wondering more and more what would really happen if you turn that hobby into a biz or quit your job and committed to the work-for-yourself life. Could you become as carefree and happy as all those “Boss Babe” ladies you follow on Facebook?

No doubt, you feel time slipping away. And you know that if you ever want to try your hand at the laptop life, you need to do it fast.

But hold up...WHAT IF you also have bills to pay, a little one on the way (or just being all over the place) and you’re equally as scared to make the leap as you are to just continue to do nothing.

Sound familiar? 


Don't Get Me Wrong: It takes Work to Balance Your Peace and Purpose Sis

Transitioning from a desk job


Going from being an awesome stay at home mom


Starting your side hustle and Scaling Your Biz

can mess with your peace because clients and cash don’t just show up on your doorstep on command like all the 8 Figure Female Entrepreneurs make it out to happen🤷🏽‍♀️

It takes time, effort and a whole lot of confidence to put yourself out there, build authority, credibility, and grow a client base.

And if you're a Christian entrepreneur like me 😇 it takes extra dedication using your flexible faith to follow your purpose -despite low funds and high drama.

But if you truly want to become a successful female entrepreneur, or if you're a christian entrepreneur like me and want to build a biz full of faith with steady work, you just need to do a few things before you kiss the desk job or weekly cry snot rags goodbye and tell your peace stealers to KICK ROCKS!

Yes, you can MAKE THE IMPOSSIBLE POSSIBLE and transition from your day job or pickup that parking lane routine to being a successful female entrepreneur, even if…

…You don’t know where to start–and Google searches on the subject only stress you out.

…You’ve put it off for weeks, months or years because the fear of not making enough to support your lifestyle is: oh-so-real.

…You just aren’t sure if it’s “the right time” (spoiler alert: there’s no such thing!)

…You don’t have a clue how to go about finding people who actually need your products, programs or services OR want to pay you money for them!

That's why inside our sistahood, I cut to the chase and give your solid-proven biz strategies that help you...

  • 🤓Face business fears and establish confidence to help boost you back to being the amazing female entrepreneur God created you to be...

  • 🤓Outline your unique business essentials plan using my signature WILDER Success Strategy which helps you start and audit your biz so you can continue to scale to the next level...

  • 🤓Discover how to tell your brand story, your client's story and connect them together in a unique and authentic way using your offers so you can attract more clients to your business...

  • 🤓Establish your marketing goal, identify your ideal client, know it's OK to tell your brand story, do target market research, showcase your expertise, Go Live on social media and create your sales strategy...

  • 🤓Reach more potential clients, increase your visibility online, promote existing offers, launch new offers and build rapport [know, like, trust] with Facebook members so you can scale your biz.

Yes, There IS a Better Way to Live Life and Make Money!

But before I tell you how, I want you to take just a moment to really think about what it would be like.

  • Imagine being excited about waking everyday knowing you get to fulfill God's purpose for your life as he designed you-sharing your gifts and knowing how to apply God's promises to your biz to attract the right clients

  • Imagine a life full of creative freedom like you’ve never had before crafting products, programs and services that you're stoked about sharing.

  • Imagine if YOU called the shots about what products and services to offer your customers.

  • Imagine working a schedule that suits you and your family. (Have health issues? Taking care of a sick relative? Just want more time flexibility for your personal obligations, from yoga classes to grocery shopping? You got it.)

  • Imagine breaking away from a “fixed salary” and working a “job” where the sky’s the limit when it comes to income. (Are you feeling dollar signs yet?)

  • And imagine getting to do meaningful work that you actually care about for a living.

Now, if you’re ready to stop wasting your time, potential and energy in a day job that drains you (and where you have to laugh at one-too-many of your boss’ corny jokes) OR if you're done sitting around watching another tv episode of "As the World Turns"🤣it’s time to learn how to set up a successful female entrepreneur business quickly, efficiently, without breaking the bank and if you're a Christian; in a way that honors God.


Impossible to Possible Women Members Club: Identify Your #1 Biz Fear (Obstacle), Discover how to Tell Your Biz Fear KICK ROCKS (Strategically and Spiritually) and Learn how to Start, Scale and Audit Your Biz (with confidence) for less than 1 night out at the movies with dinner and faster than waiting for for an Amazon package

(and that's fast sista!) 🤣

In this supportive sistahood,


We're going to show you the exact steps you need (no cookie cutter classes) to go from draining day job  or daydreaming mama to being a fulfilled female entrepreneur and if you're a Christian entrepreneur -I gotcha sis because I share my secret Christian CEO Mindset as an option for those of you that are believers of Christ...

All so you can make money on your own time, your own way and at your own pace. This membership will walk you in detail through setting up an impressive online presence (even brick and mortar need this) from scratch quickly and be there to support you each step of the way.

Sound like something that could change the way you “work” forever?




Here’s exactly what’s in store for you in this membership community…

  • Private Coaching for EVERYONE: Gwendolen provides each member the opportunity to meet privately with 90 Mins private coaching sessions so she can help amazing female entrepreneurs like you plan out your success strategy in 6 easy steps using her signature WILDER Success Strategy. And you have the availability to meet with Gwendolen weekly gurl watch out-success will come faster for you!

  • Coaching Framework + Strategies: We give you the proven strategies to Tell Your Biz Fear KICK ROCKS -we tackle the 7 main biz fears (obstacles) female entrepreneurs struggle with (money, mindset, sales, systems, support, visibility and lifestyle). regardless of which side of the success spectrum you are currently. Our videos cover a wide range of topics, from setting up posh websites under $100, creating a strong brand identity, pricing your services to be competitive (not cheap), to setting up easy marketing plans to land your first clients and more.

  • Private Members Portal: An online area separate from Facebook where our membership sistas like you can use AI to search for trainings, get answers fast, joint venture, receive support and just make good friends with like-minded women from around the world and get the proven strategic steps you need from Gwendolen and our guest experts on how to succeed. [Learn more about this here]

  • Positive Affirmations: Quick strategic, positive, inspirational, business, spiritual (Christian) and self-awareness posts/videos designed to help you through the tough days and remind you that you're not alone on this journey (you got your sistas and the Lord with ya sis). 

  • Blog + VIP Book Club: It's OK to Tell My Story,  Surviving Common Law Domestic Violence, Learn the Art of Colorfully Surviving Entrepreneurship and more by Gwendolen Wilder. This international community influencer and advocate is perfect at giving you quick reads for anyone looking for clarity on what is domestic violence, workplace bullying and the strategic process of how to turn $100 into business your adore and helps you live your best blessed life.

  • Spiritual Biz Journey: A mindset + spiritual coaching series using challenges, planners, strategy videos and more. Gwendolen started this collection to encourage women to believe in a power higher than themselves when they feel alone and like no one believes in them. Learn how to incorporate faith into your business and start a peace journey that leads to purpose and profits. Gwendolen will share her personal spiritual peace journey, bible study plans, spiritual biz strategy and favorite Christian scriptures to help facilitate and inspire ladies to believe they can Make ALL Things Possible in their biz using a strong Spiritual Foundation.

  • Online Facebook Communities: Our Facebook Groups are where you can get doses of motivation to boost your morale throughout the day. It will become the place to be, full of wins, support and inspiration. But our Private Group is where all of the tailored Livestreams and questions get answered. Private clients also have access to a private Facebook Group to practice posts, videos and receive feedback from Gwendolen directly [Visit our sistahood now]

  • Biz Marketing: Here is where we network monthly and showcase how our ladies Made the Impossible -Possible in record time. Read our articles to get motivated to take inspired action to make things happen in your biz. You'll hear stories from all types of ladies, from various industries and from around the world. They all are Wilder, Successful & Non-Negotiable when it came to telling their biz fears to KICK ROCKS so they could achieve their goals and FINALLY start Living Their Best Blessed Life!

  • AND MORE!!

I pray everything we create inside this Sistahood inspires you to Make the Impossible-Possible! 

Check Out Gwendolen's


3 Ways to Increase Your Media Visibility + Credibility

Receive FREE videos right now so I can talk you through the exact plan I used to get visible and boost my brand credibility so I could get featured on local, national and international media like TV, Newspapers, Podcasts, etc. This is one of the major ways I grew my audience to 35K+ new followers and 2K+ group members

(which boosted my email subscription list) in less than 30 days WITHOUT spending a dime=$0 NOTTA!!


What Happens Inside Our Members Club?

Signature Coaching + Solid-Proven Biz Strategy

This is what sets our membership apart from the rest - is our Founder, Gwendolen...

She not only teaches the majority of the masterclasses but, she actually takes the time to connect with each and every sista that joins inside our exclusive online FB communities and private membership portal.

Gwendolen coaches from her signature Impossible to Possible Women 3 Biz Principles (strong spiritual foundation, solid-proven biz strategies and supportive sistahood) which features her famous (signature) 6 step W.I.L.D.E.R. Success Strategy founded upon her personal life experiences, business successes and client transformations. She turns each step into personalized short but, powerful coaching experiences.

Gwendolen gifts all paid Members the opportunity to join her LIVE 1 Day Masterclass or 3 Month Mastermind to chat about your biz to ensure you're on the right journey that's best suited for your business goals.

The most awesome part is you don't have to feel pressured to take every Masterclass available the day you join- you can look around our members club and use our various platforms to reach out anytime and go at your own pace.

If you’re looking for safe non-judgy online support then join our sistahood.

Membership Support + Weekly Motivation + Live Q/As + Monthly Masterclasses + Promotions + Resources

Gwendolen created a NEW speaker platform she lovingly refers to as, "She Made it Possible" which gives women an opportunity to network monthly and for her to spotlight private client businesses to a wider audience of 1M+ female entrepreneurs. You’ll get access to all of our pre-recorded masterclasses and you get to connect with your fantabulous guest expert sistas during LIVE Q&A sessions after the masterclass event and receive all of the special offers they will promote inside our private sista sale community!

But the connection doesn't stop there. Gwendolen challenged the guest experts to go the extra mile- when ever you post on a guest speakers video replay they will personally reach out to you and offer more personalized assistance to help you reach your success- that's what makes our membership different.

Spiritual Peace Journey + Challenges + Inspiration

The Girls Trip to Peace experience is more than just woo woo woo meditation or journaling...

All Impossible to Possible Women automatically receive access to this awesome platform as apart of their membership. Gwendolen added this coaching inside her Impossible to Possible Women Members Club to help women to learn more about how she deals with biz fears from a spiritual perspective as a Christian female entrepreneur.

It corresponds back to various sermons Gwendolen's heard ministered by her own spiritual leaders and others she'd heard from over time. Gwendolen's had memberships previously, but none to this degree and they always seemed to lack one key element- which she felt was the true source of all of her success...Spiritual Foundation which explores what Peace is, how to attain it (keep it) and use it to support your biz growth. Gwendolen's belief, action and faith in God is why she feels she's been so successful whether it was making a $5 sale or winning a $5M joint venture contract.

For Gwendolen, hearing sermons focused on, "Unshakeable Hope, Purpose and Faith" were the confirmations she'd been praying for from God to help her with launching the 2022 experience. As gratitude, she's sharing with female entrepreneurs her personal bible study lesson plans and strategy of how she lives in peace daily (despite peace stealers) attracts an abundance of clients using spiritual gratitude based on a Peace-Purpose-Profits. 

You Are Designed to Be Abundantly Blessed Beautiful!


Our members club includes Gwendolen's personal  "Bibles and Bubbly" Bible Study lessons + Spiritual Peace Journey to ensure she enjoys her ME Time..... It's time to learn the specific skills and mindset techniques you need to create a successful, 6-figure business that serves you, your family and customers deeply and makes you generous amounts of money.

This is the Framework to help you to See What God Can Do Through You using your gifts and purpose. Learn how to follow your vision from God to become a female entrepreneur. This coaching will help you strengthen your relationship with God so you can find your purpose, stay on purpose and balance your peace on purpose. Inside this community receive Gwendolen's personal bible study lessons, gratitude challenges, masterclasses and more. This spiritual coaching course will Help You Develop a Christian CEO Mindset, Believe in Yourself, Live in Peace and Attract Abundance with Gratitude!


Your Sistas are Cheering for You...What are YOU waiting for? Here's the Breakdown of Everything You'll Receive to Help You Become an Impossible to Possible Woman

🥳 A Vault of Goodies Waiting to Support You!

If you’re feeling stressed out as a female entrepreneur starting and scaling your biz and don't know how to successfully identify the obstacles keeping you from reaching the success you want and need; Or If you're feeling overwhelmed and can't figure out what steps to take first to get past your biz fears, then you don't wanna miss out on our Monthly Masterminds....



Our Paid Memberships directly support our female empowerment outreach program. For each lady that joins our paid members club; Gwendolen donates 1 free Private Coaching Session to another sista on a budget to receive recommendations on how to help boost her confidence, move past her biz fears and remind her of the purpose and gifts she carries within.

That's right- you make the difference...now how cool is that?

You get to see an immediate return on your investment.

What's Up Sista, Gwendolen Here...

Founder of the Impossible to Possible Women movement, Certified Business Strategist, Certified National Media Expert and Author of,"It's OK to Tell My Story, Surviving Common Law Domestic Violence", Christian, Mom and obsessed with gummy bears, olives and lakes.

I've been learning the art of colorfully surviving female entrepreneurship since 2008 when I started my first business. Even though that business was wildly successful (awarded $5M contract + 187 staff + $1M revenue)- my journey was not always as smooth without obstacles, full of clients, cooperative staff, supportive spouse, confidence or even fulfillment-you know what I'm saying sista? No? How about this?


I closed my first business due to a nervous breakdown due to domestic violence and to deal with a past sexual assault (yea, people thought I was crazy giving up all that money).


After taking 4 years off to drink margaritas by the pool, heal and recover - I believe I heard God tell me to "Tell Your Story" (It was either God or the margaritas- I choose to believe it was the former). After ignoring the Lord for about a year-I went back to university to receive my third degree in Psychology (not that I needed another one) and I finally rebranded myself as a Certified Business Strategist, Published my first book (which led to getting paid $2500/hr to guest speak, sold 400+ books, etc.) and so I started helping female entrepreneurs like you to create, launch and scale your dream biz so you can become self-confident, financially independent and FINALLY Live Your Best Life!

I'm going to use this moment to re-state the fact that I'm a Christian Female Entrepreneur and give God all the glory for my abilities and success. However, that doesn't mean I only serve Christian women or force my beliefs down your throat. But I gotta tell ya this really quick. Being a Christian Female Entrepreneur for me means, I believe that ALL things are possible because God has given each and every one of us a unique gift (talent) to fulfill an assigned purpose. And I also believe that when you use your gifts appropriately, God rewards you with being able to Live Your Best Blessed Life ...

My Mission is to support you professionally, guide you spiritually and inspire you to Face the Fear Together and

Become Impossible to Possible Women!

What Do You Perceive As Impossible?

We Can Help You Make It Possible!

All You Have to Do is Select the Way You Learn Best...

Inside a Group or Private Coaching Setting

Click an image below to learn more about each 👇🏽

1 Day LIVE Masterclass

Best for women who want support Once

1 Private Coaching Session

2 Coaching Courses

And Enjoy Self-Paced Learning

3 Month LIVE Mastermind

"Best Value"

Best for women who want support Weekly

Enjoy More Supportive Sistahood

1 Private Coaching Session

(Unlimited Weekly Private Coaching Optional)

7 Day LIVE Mastermind

Weekly 90 Min Accountability Session

10+ Coaching Courses

Monthly Biz Features

Monthly Networking

and sooo much more!

Your Success Awaits...

We're here for ya sis to meet you just where you are on your journey and

support you inside our membership with all of these goodies...

This Members Club is Want You Need Because...

Private Coaching empowers female entrepreneurs to confidently turn their biz fear and dreams into a positive profitable biz opportunity. Discover how to create your very own signature online brand with a solid-proven Wilder Success Strategy using Spiritual, Branding, Marketing, Sales and Media Strategies so you can reach more potential clients, increase visibility online, promote your business, launch offers, create rapport with your community and scale your biz faster.

This Private Coaching Membership experience comes with a Tailored Success Strategy prepared by Gwendolen, Full Access to all of our core group coaching Masterclasses, Masterminds, Supportive Member platform and MORE!

Click below to discover what's inside...

© Copyright 2024 Gwendolen Wilder