Claim it Beautiful...

Success Begins with ME Knowing, It's OK to Tell My Story

as we Face the Fear Together so I Can Make the Impossible Possible!

Bounce Back with the Holy Spirit Cozy with God

Bounce Back from Biz Fear with the Holy Spirit

March 19, 20236 min read

Have you ever wondered how superstar level business women deal with biz fear?

Seriously, do you ever just get up in the mornings feeling like it's gonna be a biz groundhog day full of failures and fears? You wake, look in the mirror and think to yourself how do those successful women deal with low self-confidence, anxiety, failure, etc. better than you.

From what I can tell as I follow powerhouse women such as Oprah; she's not intimidated by new female entrepreneurs that are fresh on the scene doing what she's does in business. She's hyper focused on her goals, purpose and faith walk to be moved.

But I bet, if you let her experience a super long day of guest speaks or having to deal with that one crazy heckler to many and and I'm 99% certain she will face biz fears such as visibility, lifestyle, support, etc. just like any other business woman would in that situation.

One of the fastest ways you'll hear Oprah share how she quickly bounces back to being an unstoppable Queen- is to remind herself of her godly purpose, blessed gifts, and relentless passion of wanting to be the best at doing what she loves. 


And that's what you have to do beautiful...

Romans 8:11, "But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you."

Remind yourself that your God is bigger than any biz fear that pops up. Stay in your bible sista wearing that full armor of God so when a biz fear does arise and doesn't turn out the way you thought it would; remember that God will still use it for his glory to take you to something even better!

Here's what I know to be true about Impossible to Possible women, they can't live in faith and fear consistently. It's human nature to experience a lack of faith, but the Holy Spirit will help guide you back so you can start believing in God's promises and trusting him again.

Pray to God everyday to give you the wisdom, confidence, strength and victory over all of your biz fears. Ask God to enable you to feel his love and peace as you wait to hear the Holy Spirit guide you on how to use your gifts and purpose appropriately in accordance with God's plan.

As long as you keep God at the center of your Spiritual Peace Journey, keep it consistent, private and intimate between you, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit; you’ll do just fine.

You have a choice to make today beautiful

Either still say you can't and don't believe in yourself and God's plan OR say you can trust the Lord, activate your faith and identify the biz fear that is trying to keep you from going from Dream Chaser to Achiever and crush it!

Girls Trip to Peace

You'll Do Just Fine!

As long as you keep God at the center of your journey, keep it consistent, private and intimate between you, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

I'll see ya here next week, every Sunday with more inspiration from my signature Girls Trip to Peace coaching program designed for female entrepreneurs who believe in the Lord. This is not a live experience, but more of a culmination of experiences where I share my personal Spiritual Peace Journey and FaithX Biz Strategy that helps me as a biz women of faith so you too can...

Start Your Girls Trip to Peace

Begin your Girls Trip to Peace today to receive lifetime access to all member upgrades. If you're inside any of our other member clubs or if you're a private coaching client; you have this program already.

This is not live coaching membership but, inside this experience you'll learn how to ...

Be Your Own Gurl Crush by Starting Your Spiritual Peace Journey to strengthen your relationship with the Lord so you can find more peace in your life daily and balance your life and work.

Then, discover how to Balance Your Peace and Purpose by Stretching Your Faith Towards the Lord, Lean into Your Biz Calling and Feel Supported by Your Sistas as Your Challenge Yourself to Stay Focused on Your Purpose and Enjoy Your Peace.

And, uncover the secret foundation to my biz success with my signature FaithX Spiritual Biz Strategy. This is how you truly can See What God Can Do Through You. How to use the FaithX biz Strategy to follow your vision from God to become a female entrepreneur [using your gifts and purpose in accordance to God's plan].

You Got This Sis!

Stay Blessed Beautiful 💞 Gwendolen




Gwendolen Wilder is a highly sought-after business coach who specializes in helping struggling and overwhelmed female entrepreneurs tell their biz fears to KICK ROCKS!

Published Best-selling Co-author, featured on international, national and local platforms, Go-To-Media Expert in Business Coaching and Domestic Violence for Lynn Smith, National Media Expert, Veteran Journalist, NBC News, MSNBC and CNN Headline News Anchor Alum, and Founder of Rylan Media. As well as being featured by the Female Entrepreneur Association founded by Carrie Green, Fox 29, News 4, KSAT 12, San Antonio Living, Women of Influence, etc. she mentors her community of 35,000+ female entrepreneurs and followers teaching them exactly how to turn a biz fear into a positive profitable business opportunity.

Before You Go,

Want to Find Fabulous Followers…

Everything you need to turn your biz fear into a brand story using social media so you can

attract more followers in 7 days or less!

Finding Fabulous Followers

Next Steps to Achieve Wilder Success:

Below is a quick list of Gwendolen's top recommendations to empower your girls trip to success to go from Dream Chaser to Achiever faster. Also, make sure to hop inside her FREE Facebook community so you can share your biz fears, discuss your goals and receive Gwendolen's #1 strategy which will help you move past your obstacle and achieve your success faster.

And remember you can make the impossible Possible!

Business Coach

Accomplish Your Goals Faster with Us Sis🤩

When you hang out with confident, successful, powerhouse women, like Gwendolen and her Biz Bestie Juju inside our Biz Bestie Brunch... the Wonder Woman superpowers rub off on you too sis!

Hang with us beautiful and get biz success too.

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GoalsPlanGoal PlanningSetting GoalsPlanningSuccessGoalBrandingBrand StoryBiz BestieAccountabilitySpiritual Peace JourneyChristGodSpiritualSpiritual Biz CallingPeace
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Gwendolen Wilder

Gwendolen is a Certified Business Strategist and Published Author who empowers struggling and overwhelmed female entrepreneurs using her signature branding, marketing and sales strategies so they can confidently tell their biz fears (obstacles) to KICK ROCKS and acquire financially independence which leads to finally Living Your Best Blessed Life.

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I Want to See You Succeed 🤩 Enjoy Our FREEBIES Sis...

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Success Strategies cover Branding, Marketing, Sales and Media


Wilder Success is Still Possible!

Calling all Overwhelmed but, determined to Succeed Female Entrepreneurs

This is for every female entrepreneur that felt like giving up! Don't Let Biz Fear Hold Back Your Wilder Success sis! Learn how to get past your biz fear of feeling overwhelmed but, determined as a female entrepreneur so you can consistently attract ideal clients, identify your target audience, develop effective marketing strategy, and find fabulous followers to convert into paying customers. Here are 3 Strategies to help you crush it: #1 Understand your biz fears aka biz obstacles so you can embrace them as opportunities for growth, #2 Clarify your Ideal Client Avatar so you can be 100% certain who you serve and #3 Strategize a solid-proven biz plan you feel absolutely in love with so you can turn your biz fear into a positive profitable biz opportunity


Top 10 Questions Female Entrepreneurs Ask Me

Perfect for you if want to know the #1 Strategy to Overcome Biz Fears So You Can Have A Successful And Profitable Female Entrepreneur Business

HEY SIS, Ready to build and scale a successful woman owned business around what your skilled at, love doing and enjoy sharing! Ready to reclaim your confidence sis and find fabulous followers excited to buy your offers?

You’ll learn the Top 10 Questions female entrepreneurs are asking and the exact strategies that successful female entrepreneurs like Gwendolen used to dramatically (and consistently) grow her business to receive wins such as awarded a $5M Joint Venture Contract, Best-selling CoAuthor, $1200/Hr Guest Speaks, $15K Customers and more!

Have an Idea for a Biz But, Not Sure Where to Start? New to Being a Woman Owned Biz? Stuck Scaling Your Biz to the Next Level? Ready to Achieve Wilder Success? Let's Face the Fear Together with This Guide Sis and Get to Ready to Learn How...

😃 Business women on a budget hire support teams

🤩 Successful female entrepreneurs get organized, simply tasks and find time to work on their biz

😁Proven ways to feel more confident talking about your biz so you can attract more people and make more sales

😀 How confidently determine which biz idea to start with first so you don't waste or money

😀 Uber easy steps to stop feeling afraid of failure, success and haters so you can stay focused

© Copyright 2023 Gwendolen Wilder